Caster pay-what-you-want on IndieGameStand

Hey everyone!


I’ve collaborated with the great folks over at IndieGameStand to post Caster up in a pay-what-you-want format.  Get it here:


The sale only lasts a few hours, so get it while you can!


10% of the proceeds go to support adoption via the Dave Thomas Foundation  for Adoption.

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Defense Grid 2!

Yes… Finally after a long wait, we at Hidden Path Entertainment are starting work on Defense Grid 2!

We’ve been trying to get a publishing deal for quite some time for this project, but publishers have fallen through time and time again.  Since then, Kickstarter has started to prove viable for large projects so we’ve decided to use Kickstarter to get the funding we need to complete the game.

You can get all the details on the project here:

Please tell your friends.  Without any publisher funding, we need your help to make this game!

Thank you for your support!

Let’s Make More Defense Grid!


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It all begins at 2 PM today.

It all begins at 2:00pm PST today…

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Republique Kickstarter Campaign

I’d like to see this game made.

If you’re a fan of stealth games, you may want to help these guys out.  Only 3 days left!

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Rainbow Ball now available on PC

 I had not intended on doing it, but someone asked so here it is:

Rainbow Ball into Adventure for PC

It comes with no guarantees!

If you have a Windows Phone 7, I highly recommend getting it for that.  The controls ended out working really well.  It is also available in its pure original form for Xbox 360 Indie games.

Special thanks to Elwood ( for letting me use his song “Sunshine“.

The game plays best on PC with an Xbox 360 controller. If you use the keyboard, A, S, W, D, SPACE, Y, and J do stuff.

No, I do not plan to fix or update the game.


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iOS Caster Now Has 60beat GamePad Support

My good friend Spencer Nielsen recently added game pad support for the iOS versions of Caster.  It should be in the App Store soon.  While you’re waiting, be sure to check out his new game Invader Zurp in the App Store.  Definitely worth a play through or two.

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Caster on WebOS: Palm Pre2 and TouchPad!

My good friend Spencer Nielsen recently finished porting Caster to webOS and it is now available for download!

You can grab it here:

You can also read about the work he did here:



“First Day of Spring”: 24-Hour Comic

First Day of Spring

Just finished posting the 24-hour comic I did.  You can find it here (requires javascript):

It took much longer than 8 hours so it’s definitely not a working day comic this time around.  I wanted to produce some cleaner work this time so I penciled and inked each panel.  This took a lot more time than just going with straight ink (via ball point pen) as I have in past challenges.

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Caster Multiplayer

And so it begins…

Caster in top 10 in Mac App Store!

Following a temporary price reduction of Caster from 4.99 to .99 for the remainder of February, Caster has moved into the top 10 selling games in the Mac app store. If this trend keeps up, I’m tempted to put Lexov on hold and go back to working on multiplayer for Caster.

You can get it here for a buck!

In other news, I’ll soon be posting an update on Lexov about some of the physics optimizations I’ve been using.


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